Provenience data associated with individual specimens by stratigraphic level. Data in brackets represents data listed on bone bags from which individual specimens were separated. <SD> indicates that a single SD (equals Surface Depth?) was written on the bag label in such a manner that it appears to apply to all associated numbers (e.g. SW 62-80 SD). Multiple specimens from a given provenience are indicated by a double dash separating the first and last specimens in the sequence (e.g., SCCAR-2--SCCAR-14).

Reddish-Pink Silt--(26WP46, TP #2, 50-60 cm): SCCAR-1; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, Stratum 3, 25-40 cm B.S., Red silt and rock frags., July 20/71): SCCAR-2--SCCAR-14; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 70-80 cm B.S., Stratum 5, Red Silt and rock, RM, July 24/71): SCCAR-15--SCCAR-17; (26WP46, TP #2, 60-70 cm, RM, July 18/71): SCCAR-18; (26WP46, Bulk, #1/#2, 0-70 cm, Stratum 5, Red Silt): SCCAR-19--SCCAR-20; (26WP46, TP #2, 90-100 cm): SCCAR-21--SCCAR-25; (26WP46/481, Level Bag TP3, Reddish/Pink Silt, 30-40 cm below surface of silt): SCCAR-31--SCCAR-44; (26WP46, TP #2, 100-110 cm): SCCAR-45--SCCAR-47; (26WP46, Baulk ext., Stratum 5, 50-60 cm): SCCAR-49; (26WP46, TP 3, North 50 cm, Red Layer): SCCAR-50--SCCAR-56; (26WP46, TP 3, “Pink Layer”, NW 38-71 <SD>, SW 62-80 <SD>, SE 82-86 <SD>, SJM, 7/12/74): SCCAR-57--SCCAR-90; (26WP46/488, Level Bag TP 3, Depth: 40-50 cm below surface of reddish/pink silt): SCCAR-91--SCCAR-100; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 90-110, Stratum 5): SCCAR-101--SCCAR-106; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 180-190 cm BS, Stratum 5, Red Silt and Rock): SCCAR-107--SCCAR-112; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 140-150, Stratum 5): SCCAR-113--SCCAR-114; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, Stratum 5, 50-60): SCCAR-117--SCCAR-123; (26WP46, TP #3 70-80 cm in W half, 60-70 cm in E half, Northernmost 50 cm): SCCAR-124; (26WP46, TP 3, Northernmost 50 cm, 90-100 in W half): SCCAR-125; (26WP46, TP 3, Red Layer, To 40 in E half, 50 in W half, North 50 cm): SCCAR-126; (26WP46, TP 3, Top of Red Layer): SCCAR-127--SCCAR-133; (26WP46/437, TP3, “Bones”, “Pink Layer”, NW 38-71 <SD>, SW 62-80 <SD>, SE 82-86 <SD>, 7/10/74, 7/11/74, SJM): SCCAR-134--SCCAR-159; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 130-140 cm BS, Stratum 5): SCCAR-160--SCCAR-161;(26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, 150-160 cm B.S., Stratum 5, Red Silt and Rock, RM, July 26/71): SCCAR-162--SCCAR-164; (26WP46, Baulk #1/#2, Stratum 5, 120-130 cm): SCCAR-165--SCCAR-168; (26WP46, Baulk ½, 50-60, Stratum 3): SCCAR-173--SCCAR-180; (26WP46/472, Level Bag TP 3, Reddish/pink silt zone, 20-30 cm below surface of silt): SCCAR-181--SCCAR-198; (26WP46/495, Level Bag TP 3, Reddish Pink Silt, 70-90 cm below surface of silt zone): SCCAR-199--SCCAR-206; (26WP46, Baulk Extension, #1/#2, Stratum 5, Red Silt and Rock, 40-50 cm, RM, July 22, 71): SCCAR-207--SCCAR-210; (26WP46, Baulk ½, 170-180, Stratum 5): SCCAR-212; (26WP46/490, Level Bag - reddish/pink silt zone, Depth 50-60 cm below surface of silt): SCCAR-213--SCCAR-224; (TP 2, RM, 30-50 cm BS, Teeth): SCCAR-225--SCCAR-252; (26WP46/492, Level Bag TP 3, Reddish/Pink Silt, Depth 60-70 cm below surface of reddish pink silt): SCCAR-253--SCCAR-261; (TP 2, RM, 30-50 cm, Teeth): SCCAR-262--SCCAR-266; (26WP46/468, Bone Fragments, From reddish/pink silt, 0-20 cm below surface of silt): SCCAR-267--SCCAR-294, SCCAR-297; (26WP46, TP 3, General Red Layer): SCCAR-295--SCCAR-296.

Rodent Dung and Brown Silt--(26WP 46, Layer #2, TP 2, 20-30 cm): SCCAR-26--SCCAR-30.

Unknown/Questionable Provenience--(26WP46, TP 3, 80-90 W, 70-80 E): SCCAR-48; 26WH?/30, Level Bag, 30-40 cm below surface): SCCAR-115; (26WP46, TP 4, Baulk ¼, SD 10-20, Layer #2): SCCAR-169--SCCAR-172; (26WP46, TP 4, S.D., [SW 70 SE 64 NE 83 NW 77 to 1 m]): SCCAR-211.