An evolutionary biologist with primary interest in the geological context of multiple, superposed fossil horizons, I have focused on field projects in the rich vertebrate deposits of Pakistan and China. Inspired by Rep’s legacy of monumental work, I specialize on microvertebrate biostratigraphy of the Neogene Siwalik sequence of Pakistan, primarily the Potwar Plateau of the northern part of that country, and in various basins of China. Will Downs (left in the photo) and I worked with Chinese colleagues to develop the local biostratigraphy of Yushe Basin, which is what stimulated study of the Frick Collection rodents from China. Frick had supported field work in Yushe Basin in the early part of the 20th century, which produced several specimens, including the two microtine jaws studied here. Will and I worked the Nan Zhuang Gou area, operating out of the Yushe hotel, where this photo was taken. My interests include systematics of the fossils recovered, especially study of the rodents in the paleocommunities sampled, and biochronological correlation, an area of endeavor developed to a fine scale by Rep.