FIGURE 8.2.9. An area in the southeast corner of 2S+00 and southwest portion of 00+00 showing parts of a woodrat Neotoma vaughani. The right dentary (Wd) is broken and missing its diastemal region where there is a large crack in the block, but the tip of the lower incisor (Wi1) is present as well as all three heavily worn lower molars. Nearby are Neotoma upper molars visible in this view only by their exposed roots (WMr) and the natural impression of the occlusal surface of an upper molar that was previously removed (WM), hence the tooth does not show in the photograph. After this photograph was made, the Neotoma dentary and teeth were removed from the block and prepared separately to better expose the wear surfaces of the upper molars for study; these specimens serve as the holotype for Neotoma (Paraneotoma) vaughani (MNA V4885; Czaplewski 1990). Also visible are a Prodipodomys left dentary (Kd) and a probable rodent distal humerus (h).