FIGURE 8.2.7. Close-up photograph and key identifying certain elements in a small portion of a Pliocene microvertebrate bone accumulation quarried from the Verde Formation at House Mountain, Arizona. c, caudal vertebra; Fc, finch coracoid; Ft, finch tarsometatarsus; Gd, pocket gopher (Geomys minor) dentary; Kc, kangaroo rat (Prodipodomys idahoensis) cheek tooth; Ke, kangaroo rat incus; Ki, kangaroo rat incisor; Ka, kangaroo rat astragalus; Pd*, pocket mouse dentary (this dentary is the holotype for Perognathus strigipredus, within a small block of matrix and bones cataloged as MNA V5142; Czaplewski 1990); Pt, pocket mouse tooth; p, pelvis; Rc, rodent clavicle; u, ulna; v, thoracic vertebra; Wr, woodrat (Neotoma vaughani) radius; Wu, woodrat ulna; x, ungual phalanx. Arrow points northward. Same view and block as in Figure 4.