FIGURE 5. Scatter plot of lower molar trigonid width versus tooth length (in mm) of Trinity Group tribosphenidan mammals. SMU specimens designated by catalog numbers only. PM 948, 965 = type 2 teeth (Patterson, 1956); PM 922 = type 3 tooth (Patterson, 1956). We refer: SMU 62721, 61776, 61726, 62131, 61727, PM 1005 = Holoclemensia texana; SMU 61992 (stars) = dp4 and m1 of Slaughteria eruptens (holotype); SMU 61728 = Trinititherium slaughteri (holotype); SMU 62398 = Kermackia texana (holotype); SMU 73070, 73206 = Comanchea hilli.